Keep Your Cold Storage Facility Cold with the Right Roof
The design and quality of construction of the roof on a cold storage facility has a profound effect on the efficiency of the building and the cost to operate it.
Here’s a brief look at cold storage roof construction methods and signs that your roof may have inadequate materials or is installed improperly.
Keeping it Cold!
As you can imagine, these buildings require adequate insulation to efficiently maintain frigid temperatures. Roof insulation materials should have a with minimum R-value of between 30 and 60, with colder applications calling for higher R-values.
Common insulation materials include polyisocyanurate, extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene.
Stagger that Insulation
To keep in the cold, it’s usually best to use staggered layers of thinner insulation instead of fewer layers of thicker insulation. Staggering the insulation blocks air from flowing through gaps in the roof.
Signs of Problems
Ice is a sign that something is wrong with either the roof or the walls. Ice forms where air leaks in from outside the building and causes condensation, which then freezes. Ice can also form in the roof and freeze the insulation.
These air leaks are the result of either a poor roof design or improper installation during construction.
Work With an Experienced Roofer
These problems can be avoided by working with a commercial roofer that understands cold roof construction methods and has experience working with these types of roofs.
For nearly 99 years, United Materials has installed, maintained, and repaired high-quality roofs in Denver and throughout the Rocky Mountain West. We have the technical know-how and experience to get you a roof that meets the demands of your unique application.
If you need a new roof or are having problems with your current roof, contact us. Our experienced professionals can help you solve your problems and get you the roof you need.
